If there’s one main thing I’ve learned over the past few months trying to grow this blog, it’s that to have a fighting chance and get real results you need to have a legitimate presence on all the social platforms.
Not just Twitter, or just Instagram, or just Pinterest — ALL of them. And yes, I know there’s a lot, but that’s actually a good thing! It gives anyone plenty of opportunity to have a legitimate chance to get their name out.
Cover All The Bases.
I’m assuming that you’ve heard of Gary Vaynerchuk, or GaryVee as most people know him as. He’s the perfect example because he’s self-made and has already “blown up”. And much of that success is attributed to the simple fact that he’s basically everywhere, and has been for a long time.
Here’s just a few of his active social media profiles off the top of my head: Medium, WordPress, Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Soundcloud, Itunes, Instagram, Quora, Linkedin, Spotify, Producthunt, Reddit, Tumblr, Slideshare, Snapchat. He also has more than one profile on many of those. Impressive, by any means.
He routinely goes through the trouble to cross-link and/or mention all the platforms he’s active on from all the others, making it a great viral loop. By him covering all of his bases like this, he’s super easy to follow for anyone, regardless of their preferred platform.
The Rule of Seven.
Another method to GaryVee’s madness is called the “Rule of Seven”. It’s a marketing term derived in the 1930’s that can be also associated with blogging, especially content marketing, since the two are alike in many ways.

It basically states that the average random person needs to visit your blog, vlog, website, or see your name at least seven times before they’ll remember and/or trust you.
However, once you win them over, these are the people that become your loyal fan base.
The ones that subscribe to your newsletter or RSS, follow your profile, join your community, tweet and share your posts, and maybe even buy a product or service you may offer for sale. The bigger your fan base, the easier this blogging thing gets — in virtually every aspect.
But for someone to be able find you seven different times, you first have to put in the time and effort to be found. Otherwise, it just ain’t happening.
“Five Minutes to Learn, a Lifetime to Master.”
I recently compared the compound growth of blogging to that of a poker tournament, so I’ll bring it up again since it’s relevant.
About fifteen years ago I first learned about the game of poker — Texas Hold ’Em to be specific — at a buddy’s home game. As completely clueless as I was at the time, I sat down and bought in for $40.
Staying true to the famous poker saying “It takes five minutes to learn, but a lifetime to master”, I learned the basics in, well… five minutes. At his place, on his PC, on Altavista, while waiting on the rest of the players to show up before we started.
Over the next eight hours or so, or somewhere between 150–200 hands, I felt I had learned about three quarters — or 75% — of the game. Things such as rules, hand strengths, percentages, and pot odds. It also helped that people tend to like to talk about poker when playing poker. I absorbed a lot of information that night.
Today, and thousands of hours of play later, I’m still trying to master the last 10% or so. And, just like blogging and social media, the game is constantly evolving. Strategies and tactics constantly change, so truly mastering it is virtually impossible. But this is great news because it constantly makes room for new players to step in, apply a different strategy, and be able to win.
Ab Uno Disce Omnes: Learn One, Learn All.
Being active on, and mastering each and every major social platform is a tough and unrealistic challenge for anyone, including even GaryVee.
The only real reason why he can manage it is because he has an entire team of helpers doing the bulk of the work. Not many of us are in a position like him.

Thankfully, all modern social platforms follow the same basic premise and are very similar at the core; they all have some kind of tagging or subscription functionality, places to comment or discuss, a like/clap/up-vote/thumbs-up system for curation, and similar rules and etiquette to follow.
This means that if you learn one, you should understand most of the rest. The main differentiator from each other is the type of content they are designed for, and for what type of screen.
For example, we built our community web app, Snapzu, for bloggers. Reddit is for links and conversations. Twitter is for “micro-blogging”. Pinterest is for the collections of visual content. Quora is for Q&As. Youtube is for video. Snapchat and Instagram are for mobile photos/stories. Soundcloud and Spotify are for music and podcasts.
The Last 25% Comes Only With Experience.
I truly believe that anyone who’s willing and eager to — including you — can master three quarters, or 75%, of any social platform in two hours or less.
It’s just that the last quarter can be a real pain in the ass.
It requires dedication, consistency, patience, and time to gain experience. Similar to getting a driver’s licence and learning how to drive, this is the stuff you can’t learn by just reading about it. You eventually have to roll up your sleeves, get in there, and get your hands dirty.
So make it a top priority to get on as many social platforms as you possibly can. And remember that if you don’t, your competition eventually will.
Thanks for reading.
Are you struggling in building your audience or getting followers? You’re not alone… but you’re also in luck!
I highly recommend you check out our new growth webkit called GrindZero that we very recently launched. It’s the ultimate all-in-one web suite of growth tools that will get you found, followed, and appreciated on dozens of social platforms using one easy to follow system and A.I. assistant!
In fact, we use GrindZero in our own growth efforts, and it’s likely the reason why you’ve found yourself here and are reading this right now! It can help find readers/viewers for you or your brand as well! 🚀 Don’t miss out! Read/learn more.
Very informative article. I remember learning the rule of seven when I was in college. Not sure though if it’s realistic to learn what you need to know about social platforms in 2 hours.
I believe you can because of how similar they all are at the core. In fact, it should get easier and easier (and shorter and shorter) as you jump on and expand to more and more platforms.
One of the main things that I am working on to become bigger in “social media” is having my posts be more applicable from every social media platform. I learned this from Gary Vee. If you want a WIDE variety of people viewing your content, you will need different material on each platform. You shouldn’t copy and paste your content. That won’t be good for growing your social media.
I definitely agree with you to some degree, especially when one has millions of followers on each platform, like GaryVee does.
But when you are just starting out (under 10k followers) I think it’s best practice to get on as many as you can, even if you have to “re-purpose” your content to fit each platform.
A big reason is to give people different options to follow you on their preferred platform. It’s all about THEIR convenience.
Thanks for breaking this down for me, Jake! Well-written and informative 🙂
Very true, Jakub, and thanks for confirming that they’re pretty much similar. It takes time to build the momentum, and that consistency is the proof of a good entrepreneur. Thanks!
this is such an informative post and honestly I really need to start covering all my bases you hear so many different thoughts on this, only go full fledge into one or two social media platforms but with everything changing it is a great idea to go full on for all of them.
Very interesting read! I had never heard of the rule of 7, but it makes a lot of sense!
Very interesting.
It can be so overwhelming when you’re trying to master so many! But you’re right the more often they see you, the more they trust you. Thanks for this!!
I’ve never heard of the rule of seven, but it makes total sense. I’d like to master the other 25% of social profiles.
Hm, interesting idea. I suck with all this social media stuff, so it’s exciting to imagine that I could learn whichever so quickly. Once I’m ready to learn the next one, I’ll remember this
Well this is wonderful. I literally posted my first blog today and it’s great to know other ways around gaining followers. I have a lot to do!
Thanks for sharing! Such a great point about the Rule of Seven – will definitely keep that in mind. Happy Blogging!
Interesting! I’m a huge GV fan. Social is trust a key part of doing work online and having a business. This is a great resource. Thanks for sharing!
Great article .Rule 7 is interesting one.Social Media can be time consuming but rewarding i have many trick myself but always looking at new ways to boast my blog presence.Many thanks
Great information! I was always told to pick a couple social media platforms and focus on those, but I can see how having a presence in more can help grow a blog. I will definitely look into learning how to use others. Thanks for the info!
This is a really interesting article! I have heard about the rule of 7 many times, but for some reason, I didn’t think about it when it came to blogging! I’m a teacher, and it’s true that students remember information best when they have seen it or worked with it over and over again.
I am currently using Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, & Google+ for my platforms. I tried to use Quora, but I must not have been doing things right because I got marked as spam. I also used Stumbleupon until it ended. I am trying to use Mix, but I’m having a hard time figuring out what exactly to do on there to get my content seen and shared.
I used to have a personal Tumblr years ago, but I have not tried it for my blog. Are there certain niches that work best for Tumblr? I have never used Medium before. What type of platform is it?
So so true! I didn’t start getting followers until I started promoting my blog posts on social media
Social media is on my to do list. It seems so daunting, but heck, two hours isn’t bad! I plan on having accounts on multiple social media sites and mastering one (as much as I can) and moving on to the next. Overtime, social media won’t be daunting at all. I do plan on scheduling my content with a program to save me some headache.
Social media is very useful. Sometimes it’s a huge time black hole though. I have to be careful.
We are on more social websites now, such as FB, WP and G+, but we are going to add a few more. I agree with your points about trust and the need for a strong social presence.
Thank you for this post. Very informative. Being active on so many social media platforms is very challenging. As a newbie blogger, though I think it is necessary.
I have been trying to cover several social media platforms, it’s a lot of work!! Tho I admit I have a special focus on Pinterest, Facebook, and Youtube. Thanks for the information!!
Hey Jacub, thanks for this article on the “Rule of Seven”. I think that we so often depend upon one time learning for both attracting prospects and training staff. We get so busy we fail to do the most important things. Certainly it takes time for us as busy people to break through the fog to connect to the minds of other busy people. Thanks for making us look at that point.
Very Helpful and Informative post.