This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: June 1 – June 7, 2019

Happy Friday everyone!

Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!

This week, our 100th (!!!) issue of this series features insightful looks into the importance of work-writing-life balance in our lives, along with 3 unexpected principles for optimal creativity, by successful writers Jami Gold and Jennifer Blanchard respectively. Awesome B.E.S. tribe member katymac shared a web toon by Office Guy Cartoons reminding us that if you keep an open and undistracted mind, there’s more chance you’ll capture the big and clever ideas. Cory Hedgepeth dives into the seemingly ageless question of what type of casing is best for titles, headlines, ad copy, or subject lines. And finally, WaPo writes about how book sub-titles are getting ridiculously and unnecessarily long, because it’s a tactic that works significantly better for digital discovery and how in this environment, if you don’t do it, it leaves you at a disadvantage vs. those that do.

Here are this week’s (June 1 – June 7, 2019) most valuable posts from the /t/BES creatives community:

1. The Importance of Balance in Our Lives
Finding a good work-life balance is tricky for just about everyone. That often goes double for writers, as our writing can fall into its own category that’s not quite work…and not quite personal.

2. Keep An Open Mind
A wonderful motivational web-toon reminding us all that keeping an open creative mind as often as possible will give us more chances at capturing a great idea while everyone else stays distracted or futile.

3. Sentence Casing vs. Title Casing: Which Is Better?
Deciding between title casing and sentence casing is a real struggle. Whether it be for social media headlines, ad copy, or email newsletter subject lines, title casing vs. sentence casing is a highly charged debate.

4. Book Subtitles are Getting Ridiculously Long. What is Going on?
How many words can you fit in a subtitle? For a slew of modern books, the answer seems to be as many as possible. Subtitle length and content have a lot to do with finding readers through online searches.

5. 3 Unexpected Principles for Optimal Creativity
As a writer, you need to have constant inspiration and ideas flowing, otherwise, you won’t have much to write about. So you need to protect your creative juices and make sure they don’t dry up.

That’s all folks! You can view all the rest of the community’s top submissions (10 more) here.

Be sure to tune in next Friday for another great weekend reading list that will make you a better and more informed blogger, writer, and/or content creator! If you have anything awesome to submit that others might enjoy, feel free to do so!

And don’t forget to help other fellow creatives find this nifty resource by sharing it around! Huge thanks!

PS: Run a blog, vlog, or podcast or any other creative endeavour? Start an accompanying homebase/community (like ours) on Snapzu (a platform for bloggers/creatives) and utilize it to effortlessly create and send out awesome routine round-up posts/newsletters like this to help grow your audience and newsletter 3x faster! It’s free! Learn more.

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