Have you ever had a hard time coming up with a great blog post? Of course you have. I don’t think anyone can say with a straight face that they haven’t.
We all struggle with writer’s block, and it can be a real grind to our creative gears. This is especially true when you’re facing your “blogger’s block” alone. Like in some cabin in the middle of the woods. Crumpling up shitty blog posts and throwing them in the waste basket. Seriously, as if the only thing you can get right is sinking a 3 pointer from across the room.
You’re not alone.
I realized based on my experiences that it doesn’t have to be the case.
Remember, your community is a living, breathing, relentlessly efficient think-tank. It is where ideas are generated organically, and while only the best posts bubble up to the top, you can use this to your advantage to effortlessly gauge the interests of your audience.
All of this is based on a democratic voting system, where your blog audience helps to sort and rank content based on quality and relevance. In every post your community can use the built-in comments section to ask questions, add feedback, and share related content that expands on the initial post.
So the next time you feel like you want to rip your hair out because a great blog post idea eludes you, be sure to surf and engage with your community!
You will realize just then how awesome having those people there for you really is.
Connect with me and hundreds of other fellow bloggers/influencers at our community / resource library over at Snapzu! 550+ awesome submissions to date and growing!
Thanks for sharing such great information with us.