Monthly Archives: July 2019
Daily Reflection: Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Monday, July 29th, 2019

Daily Reflection: Sunday, July 28th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Saturday, July 27th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Friday, July 26th, 2019
This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: July 20 – July 26, 2019
Happy Friday (and National All or Nothing Day) everyone!
Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!
This week brings us an incredibly insightful piece by blogging pro Tom Kuegler who posts on Medium (you might need to use incognito mode if not a member) about how personal life experiences are an absolute must to bring blog posts to life, landing him the top spot in this week’s edition. It’s all about having knowledge and experiences that no one else has, and being different!
Up next is a post from early July, where our very own B.E. author Jakub explains how the ever so lengthy creative journey is a different experience for each and every one in almost every aspect, and how the concept of compound growth accelerates the speed of getting through it significantly. He uses a neat hypothetical vehicle concept to help get his points across.
Rounding off the top 3 is Christina Gleason on her relatively short but useful post about the proper use of copyrighted images, how not to just “steal” them from places like Google Image search, and how to legally and ethically use royalty-free image sources for the visual aspects of your creative endeavours.
Number 4 brings us Darren Rowse from the iconic ProBlogger blog who details out everything you need to know about evergreen content, which is generally content that doesn’t age and stays fresh, but most importantly shareable for an extended period of time.
Finally, in the fifth and final spot is a gloomy but striking piece by Michale Stelzner about how Google is making its products more convenient and easier to use, but at the huge cost of the creatives who produce the content that Google inevitably displays. About half of users who make a search never leave a Google results page because they get what they want right there and now — it’s a problem that will only get bigger as Google and its technology gets smarter.
Continue reading This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: July 20 – July 26, 2019
Daily Reflection: Thursday, July 25th, 2019
4 Common New Blogger Limiting Beliefs to Release
Being a new blogger is exciting, overwhelming and about 50 emotions in between.
I vividly recall buying my domain and hosting 10 years ago.
Day 1 seemed like the best day of my life. I had uncovered a seeming goldmine! Mansions were picked out. Did I want a red Ferrari or Porsche Carrera GT in the driveway? The possibilities were endless.
I almost quit blogging on Day 2.
How could everything change in 24 hours? I panicked. Who was I to blog? I had just been fired from my security guard job. I had no entrepreneurial bones in my body. I did not know what a blog was. I just bought something called a “domain and hosting” because some guy online told me to do it.
Continue reading 4 Common New Blogger Limiting Beliefs to Release
Daily Reflection: Wednesday, July 24th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Tuesday, July 23rd, 2019
Daily Reflection: Monday, July 22nd, 2019
Daily Reflection: Sunday, July 21st, 2019
Daily Reflection: Saturday, July 20th, 2019
This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: July 13 – July 19, 2019
Happy Friday (and National Daiquiri Day) everyone!
Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!
This week started with some big news when Google announced that they are shuttering Blog Compact, an analytics tool that worked with WordPress and Blogger, making it our top and most impactful story and well deserving of the top spot.
Next up at #2 is a piece by Ryan Biddulph for our very own Blog Enhancement Blog! He provides us with invaluable insights into his prolific experience and how to gradually grow your name and value by taking action, and sticking to a process like he did (and does).
Topping off the podium is a wonderful illustration by @SylviaDuckworth on Instagram that details how the bulk of sacrifices and failures that eventually lead to success are mostly out of public view.
Moving on to the fourth spot is Carol Tice from The Write Life with her five helpful tips on how to craft the absolute best headlines for your blog posts and articles.
Finally, rounding off the top five is Sonia Simone, who provides us tips on how to write the best and most engaging list posts, or “listicles” as they are better known as. Unironically it comes in a listicle format.
Continue reading This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: July 13 – July 19, 2019