All posts by Matthew
Daily Reflection: Saturday, August 3rd, 2019
Daily Reflection: Friday, August 2nd, 2019
Daily Reflection: Thursday, August 1st, 2019
Daily Reflection: Wednesday, July 31st, 2019
Daily Reflection: Tuesday, July 30th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Monday, July 29th, 2019

Daily Reflection: Tuesday, June 18th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Saturday, March 9th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Sunday, January 6th, 2019
Daily Reflection: Monday, October 29th, 2018
Daily Reflection: Sunday, October 28th, 2018
Do you speak like an Aristocrat? Probably not, so why the hell write like one.
Firstly, I mean no offense to any of you “aristocrats” out there! I’m sure you’re all very lovely people. And if one of you ever invited me over to your lai–err–castle, I would without question and with a sense of excitement enjoy a cup of tea and crumpets as I listened to you recount your recent fox hunt extravaganza. But lets be real here, birds of the feather stick together, and us mere peasant types don’t share much in common.
OK, my apologies, I kid I kid, please don’t sic the hounds!
And yet, it’s VERY unlikely that even a single noble blooded aristocrat will ever get offended by reading this. So I doubt I hurt too many feelings — which is precisely my point! Artificially adjusting the way I write to appeal to that specific demographic of readers is just as childishly silly as changing the way I express myself to impress my colleagues. Continue reading Do you speak like an Aristocrat? Probably not, so why the hell write like one.
Lack Engagement? It’s all about turning your blog into an effective rabbit hole.
OK. Firstly, let me clarify! The term I’m talking about is of course from the 1951 animated film Alice in Wonderland. So when I say, “rabbit hole”, I’m referring to the deep and colorful scenarios that Alice, our protagonist encounters as she gets lost in Wonderland. The movie pulls you in with a unique and original story line, and before you know it, you’re taken from one fantastical scenario to the next with nothing less than amazement and awe.

If you haven’t watched this Disney classic, I highly suggest you do, it’s just too bad you’re not an 8 year old, as that would have truly blown your mind – either way I digress…
By applying the same approach to any blog and organizing the writing to follow a similar concept is key to keeping readers engaged and hungry for more. Below I will cover three key elements that can turn a blog into an effective rabbit hole. Continue reading Lack Engagement? It’s all about turning your blog into an effective rabbit hole.
Pro Tip: When Blogging, We’re Stronger in Numbers.
I’ve always been clear that our social content platform was built by bloggers — for bloggers. Well, that and your audience of course!
Continue reading Pro Tip: When Blogging, We’re Stronger in Numbers.