No matter what we may think at the moment, the hard times we are experiencing are truly nothing compared to some of the less fortunate among us. I think the biggest thing we lack sometimes is appreciation, just the fact that we are able to scroll through these photos and enjoy the experience is something many of us don’t get a chance to do.
There is no such path as an easy path, as every journey is filled with difficulty. Those of us who are willing to take the risks will reach the place many are to afraid to get to.
Many of us end up over-engineering our ideas, something simple quickly turns into a complex mess of ideas and steps when really all we need to be doing is getting rolling. Things have a tendency to look simpler from when you’re close up and working.
Some of the most difficult times in our lives are when we truly feel lost, hopeless, embarrassed with our failures, and yet, those of us who choose to keep going will find the light in the darkness.
Success is nothing but a series of small steps done over a span of time that equals to the completion of tasks leading up to something far greater than the sum of its parts.
In my opinion Michael Jackson was the biggest loser of them all, and it was specifically because of that that he became that incredible winner. It’s not whether we are amazing at what we do and we do it because of that, no its because we suck and see ourselves improving with every try that we become the success stories we aim to be.
It will be tough, there will be barriers to overcome, and you may lose your footing, but that’s the requirement when we are trying to accomplish something hard.
think the people that reached their success would agree that their milestones aren’t the result of destiny, but years of hard work and dedication doing something they chose to pursue.
I think the secret to success is loving what we do, being dedicated enough to never give up in the face of failure as well as having the dedication to keep going even when we know the journey will be a very long one.