It was funny, because I was passionate about many of the things I’m good at today before I was even good at them. I would go as far as to say that I sucked, and I sucked for a while, until I got better, and ultimately really great. It’s ok to suck, what’s not ok is to quit before you had a chance to get good
The concept is so simple, and yet so powerful, because many of us at one point decided to start something and yet realized that we can never get anywhere unless we actually put work into it.
There is something about focusing on the big picture that keeps our mind racing. Ideas promote progress, they challenge the mind in a way that nothing else could.
How many stages in life are there? I’m thinking 5. If I was to list the possible stages, I would list… being a baby, a child, a teenager, an adult and an elder. Some of those earlier stages may be difficult, and with limited opportunity, but fuck, once we hit 18, the world opens up. So no matter if you’re 18, or 81, we must seek out those opportunities.
The ones who win have lost more times than the ones who lost and gave up trying — many many more times actually. A champion is a loser that is willing to stay the course, learn from their failures and push themselves until the finally get it right.
Something I absolutely dreaded when I was younger was that sharp, to-the-point and incredibly honest opinions of very intelligent and experienced individuals. It felt as if a razor cut through my ego, and through my sense of understanding of what it is I was doing. Today, I look back and appreciate every fucking word. Thank you.
What are you working on? Are you going to stick with it and turn it into success? I guess those are the questions we should always keep asking ourselves, because there are a billion people with amazing ideas, but very few have the courage and will to last just long enough to strike it big.
How crazy is that idea? I’m sure many of use realize the difficulty ahead, but maybe we don’t truly believe that we can pull it off, or maybe we do, but the people around us just nod but never truly believe. The true champs are the ones that go through with it, from A to Z without as much as flinching.
Personally there are moments where I refuse to be honest with myself, I tend to rationalize away my actions, but as long as I have the courage to seek the truth, I will be a better person for it. Success comes to those who can laugh at themselves, who can see the flaws in their actions and adjust accordingly — the path is littered with the corpses of those who didn’t pay attention to the most subtle of hints.
I can’t imagine how many times I laughed at the impossibly difficult moments of my past, and essentially recall them anytime I ran into yet more of those scenarios. I guess at the end of the day, when we realize tomorrow will come, those things aren’t as big as they once seemed.
I guess my big wish in life is that I never stop being curious, that I will always remain hungry and that my desire for accomplishment is never overshadowed by the feeling of contentedness.