The one major trait that successful people share amongst themselves, is determination. It is the one thing that anyone can do, it requires no special skill, no special talent, and it doesn’t take into consideration age, or gender, or even disability. Those who are relentless will achieve success, and those who aren’t will just make excuses.
Stephen King’s story is incredible, and almost unbelievable. It’s the definition of dedication and the pursuit of success. I can’t imagine how many novelists we’re so close and called it quits, and yet, he believed in himself and achieved his goals.
We can spend thousands of hours reading the stories written by others, as we learn from their experiences and dream up the prospects they represent. There however comes a point that we must be sure we write our own, because it is the only story we will live, and it will be the only one told when we’re gone. So we better make it glorious.
Our lives are never static, things are always changing around us and our journey is never really over. In order for us to move forward, we need to move away from our past.
No matter how good we may think we are, or how much advice we have been given, there will always be opportunity to make mistakes. It’s how we learn, and we can’t be afraid of change, as that is the one universal equalizer against the aging powers at be.
Terrifying as it may be, we can’t live our whole lives in our comfort zone. We must put ourselves out there, take the risks, make the effort and conquer our fears. Nothing new is ever accomplished by people doing old things. We must innovate, live with excitement and pave the way for the future.
There will be a number of times in our lives when our dreams, plans, decisions, and even steps towards our imagined future will be in doubt by the people around us. As long as we push forward, believe in ourselves and in our abilities, we will accomplish what others thought not possible.
Whether it is the fear of failure, or disappointment or even as terrifying as death, we must appreciate that fear is the ultimate judge of risk and character.
There is nothing like having a dream and doing all we can to make it come true, the beauty of that simple concept is what most of us that strive to achieve success understand.
Brick by brick we patiently lay the foundation for our dreams a single day at a time. For those of us who work hard and realize that it takes time to build an empire are the ones that will keep going until they do.
Sometimes it’s easy to forget that our lives today are a direct result of the lives that were sacrificed yesterday. The moment we start appreciating how truly blessed we are to even have such an amazing array of choices, is the moment that we realize our potential. We must stay humble and we must be thankful.
I think that I can say with a fair bit amount of certainty that most of us will not have the luxury of coming from just the right upbringing. Instead, may of us will fight for what we seek and work hard to accomplish our goals.
It is one of the most central points that we need to keep in mind when we are searching for what we wish to focus on and do. Unless we are truly interested in what it is we decide to focus on, and enjoy what it will entail, it is not uncommon to see mediocrity within the work.
One of the most painful things we can hear after all the hard work we do to achieve something is others telling us how lucky we are, or that we are so blessed to have reach whatever level of success. Lets get it straight, we make our own luck, with sweat, hard work and dedication. Let no one tell you different.
It can be painting, writing or anything that requires dedication and true self investment. If we cannot complete our works, and instead focus on perfecting, we will never build up the experience to move forward.