Criticism is terrifying, because no one wants to be judged, or have their ideas crapped on. We live in a world full of haters, trolls and critics who are only good at putting other people down because they cannot themselves do the things others can. The great thing is, we can say “fuck these people”, and once we have, we will truly be free to do what we need to succeed.
Every journey leads to somewhere and teaches us something, and as long as we stay focused we may just get to the end, and if we don’t, then lets hope we learned something important and try again.
Every single one of us makes mistakes, sure some bigger and memorable than others, but the general consensus is that in order for us to thrive in the future, we need to learn from the past. And so we mustn’t be afraid of making mistakes, what we must however be afraid of, is being unable to move forward because we’re too terrified to fail in the first place.
When we take our first step towards our journey, it feels so damn big, because it’s literally Step 1 of 1. Very quickly however as we start walking towards our dreams, those same steps will feel smaller and more regular. It’s just like a 6 year old child experiencing time differently than an adult. For them a day feels like a week and the summer feels like a year but only because they didn’t experience as much time as an adult!
At the end of the day, it is what we decide to do today that will have an effect on tomorrow. Our lives play out strictly based on our decisions, and so it’s important to have the will to be fair, humble and good.
Being right on such a magnitude is the ultimate statement of where the industry of expressive writing is headed. Now, more than any other time in history, we are empowered to express ourselves on such an incredible medium. A medium where we can write, share and have the potential to expand the minds of millions just by pressing “post”. RIP Philip Roth.
I would be suspicious if the endeavors in my life offered no resistance, no difficult to overcome obstacles and finally, no boss fights. The walls we run into help us think outside of the box, they help us prepare for the next level, and most of all we gain the experience necessary to continue the journey.
With every thought a word may follow, or a sentence, or a career. Our thoughts are who we are, and alter who we can become. As long as we are positive, we will attract positivity, and as long as we don’t doubt ourselves, we can become great at just about anything.
When looking from a distance, any sort of difficult journey will look as if it were impossible. And yet, those of us who are “foolish” enough to face the impossible, quickly realize that what looks unachievable from one angle actually is just a series of steps that we need to take in order to get there.
So many of us creative types make the effort to put out unique and original content. There is nothing quite like loving what you do! However, we may not always be recognized for it, and our content may have a hard time reaching the people we would love to share it with. But guess what, content never dies… As long as we keep at it, we are creating opportunities for people to find us and our work.
While we may feel those who ultimately found success may have been luckier than those who are still seeking it, specific instances like timing can in theory play a role. It is however crucial to point out that we make our own luck, and by preparing ourselves for those opportunities we may have a better chance at seeing them when they ultimately present themselves!
The more we understand our industry, the better we will become within it. Learning to be great however requires making mistakes that lead to failure, and thus is a natural process towards that endgame goal — success. It took millions of years for us to evolve, and the only tool that nature needed was “mistakes”.
Change and innovation is achieved by the ones who are strong enough to withstand the heavy cynicism of the world. And thus I have always shared Mr. Wolfe’s sentiment that being someone that can redirect powerful forces into something ultimately good is a form of success. In end the goal is to leave this world just a little bit better than how we found it, and those who try will always have their critics.
Failing at the stuff we do is how we learn, the only thing worse than failing is not taking the risk to get started in the first place. We hear of the success stories out there, and sure each one of them had their own series of failures to get to where they are at, but the one thing they did have was the story. No journey, no story, no success.
A mother’s love knows no bounds, it is something so incredibly special that it can be felt like the warm rays from the sun. We must cherish each and every moment, we must tell them how much we love them back and how much we appreciate everything they do. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there.