At certain points in our lives the majority of us will have a hard time getting over our past mistakes so that we can move forward and carve out new paths to explore. Those paths are incredibly important, because if we dwell on our past and sit around feeling sorry for ourselves, we will end up running out of opportunities to be successful at the things we love most.
Dreaming big and then turning those dreams into reality is something that the majority of the people we encounter will scoff and say we have impossible goals. But even when people say “the sky is the limit”, we must never take to heart that there are hard limits to what can be achieved.
Oftentimes I find that whatever task I try and do for the first time I will fail, so does my failure mean I’m a loser? Hell no, in fact I will stress the opposite. To me failure is essentially the natural learning process by in which we learn, and just like all things nature we must fail often in order to succeed. So when you look at a winner, they are essentially a loser that gave it that one more try.
One of the toughest things we are faced with when trying to break through the mold is our self conscious view of ourselves. Doubting our work, feeling as if we aren’t good enough, and being afraid to push through is a natural response. It’s however amazing at the things we can accomplish once we finally get over our insecurities and open up.
It’s so easy for us to underestimate the need for someone to have our back, and while we may feel invincible in our quest for success, in the end that lone wolf approach may end up biting us when we least expect it.
Life can be so uncertain and difficult to always depend on others, and yet if approached with a bit of knowledge we can get the help we sometimes so desperately need — but we must be willing to shed our ego and ask for a helping hand. Luckily we get a lot of chances along the way! It is however never wise to be too late in making those tough decisions, because regret can be a terrible thing.
With every fail we get a chance to change our strategy by just a little. Over time, these failures will equal to what can seem like a very large pivot as we get to know and understand our audience. But lets remember that to someone who is looking from a distance, these changes look massive, and to us they’re natural — it’s like looking in the mirror every day and not noticing how we change.
If you’ve ever had a friend call you crazy because your idea sounded so impossible that it left those you told it to scratching their head, then you know exactly how it feels to be so driven and yet met with that fair share of scepticism. Some of us may change the world, and yet, most of us just want to leave it in better shape than we found it.
It’s fascinating how some individuals can jump so quickly on the occasion to speak without fully considering the consequences of what those words may bring. I think the only safe way to protect ourselves is to be sure our thoughts are as positive as they can be so that the resulting words and ultimately actions will bring nothing short of positivity in return.
When we show kindness and respect to the ones who cannot advance our interests, we will be respected by the ones who can. So please never change your outlook on life and the world. Kindness attracts respect, and determination is always followed by success, it’s just a matter of perseverance.
Failure is inevitable, it will keep visiting our otherwise “flawless” master plan to remind us that none of us have a perfect execution. We must use these situations to learn and retool our strategies and all the while laugh off our silly mistakes — because lets face it, this monster isn’t going anywhere. Those who have older siblings will know how it feels!
When we’re young we feel like there is an incredible amount of time for everything, but as the years pile on, and every minute is filled with yet more responsibilities, it becomes very clear one day that time is one of the most underappreciated of resources. And since each of us has a finite amount of time, we all better get things done!
I think it’s fair to say that generally speaking we all start with the same level of knowledge and understanding. So only when we focus on the things we want to do that we have a chance of becoming the versions of ourselves that we want to be.
No matter how many times we fail, we must never quit. I think the most important thing to remember is that we may quit an approach or a strategy, but only so that we can refocus on something new. The more we try, the higher chance for success at the end of it.