Nothing ever got done by those of us who waited for things to happen around them, we make our own luck and we do that by failing and learning from our mistakes.
I think the most important thing to true self growth is our outlook on life, if we approach the world as if we knew everything there was to know — we wouldn’t have the same curiosity and drive to learn the things that matter.
Blind obedience is only beneficial to the enslaved, but those of us who strive for the freedom to create our own path know just how important it is to resist the temptation to become tools in someone else’s tool box.
Sure, creating our own path is considerably more difficult, but they may lead us on far more interesting and exciting journeys and lest not forget the experiences of the road untraveled.
The way we approach the world will make a massive difference in our journey. We can always smile more, do more for others and truly appreciate what others are doing for us.
Of course it’s scary, it’s supposed to be. The unknown can be terrifying, but our dreams can lead us through the fear and into a place of passion and dedication.
I feel it’s imperative that the choices we make reflect who we truly wish to become. Our decisions become the cement in our foundation, the bricks in the empire we wish to build, and the paint on the flags we so proudly fly.
Those of us who are absolutely crazy about our dreams are looked upon by others as if we were insane. Who risks it all, who dedicates every waking second to make their goals come true, it seems insane — until it’s not.
If we realize that we cant stop thinking about an idea, it’s a pretty good sign that we should embark on a journey and turn that concept into something tangible.
One of the most terrifying things is the realization that at one point we had the opportunity to make our dreams a reality, but instead we traded it all away for what I can only imagine is a temporary comfort zone.