The best part of our stories are the difficulties, because that’s where experience and innovation comes from, we never talk about the easy shit, it’s the hard stuff we remember. Easy is boring, easy doesn’t teach us a lesson, nor does it help us learn. If we don’t pursue the difficult, we will never discover the truly great in us.
Every action carries a degree of risk, and risk carries a degree of reward. We will only accomplish what we seek out if we take the necessary steps to succeed. There is no way around it, either we stay in port or we tackle the waves.
The amount of times that I was absolutely sure I was on the last little bit of whatever I was working on is laughable, it’s no wonder they call it a journey — it never ends, not for a little bit. We don’t retire, we don’t stop, we keep going and when we get good at something, there is always room for improvement.
Pretty much the biggest fear I had at one point — terrified of what other people thought, whether they agreed or disagreed, liked or disliked. It’s natural I guess to be scared, but that fear is what stands between us and being able to share our creativity with the world!
It’s this one life — it’s ours. It is ours to do whatever we wish with. We can push and test our limits, or search for meaning, or do absolutely nothing. We may wish we we’re someone else, but if we want that life, we better work for it.
One hour is a foray, one day is an excursion, one month is a journey, one year is an odyssey. Achieving great things takes time, may you get there one day.
Every one of us has a path they will take, some will follow a trail while others will leave it. No matter the path we choose, there is one thing we must consider. Will we follow a path that will lead us to where we want to be, and if we create our own, will it be something others will decide to follow?
Life can take us in so many different directions, some may encourage the playful in us, and others that may deplete it. If we can just keep playing, we will be young as long as well feel young, age will and doesn’t matter.
Competition keeps our minds sharp, always plotting, always inventing the next thing to put us ahead. Life without competition would be boring and dull, there would be no surprises and nothing to compare our success to.
It isn’t just dreams, nor ideas that push us to greatness, it is the enthusiasm that we have towards something we wish to see created or improved upon.
Critical thinking, an open mind, a need to deviate from the course are all the sort of skills we will pick up when we take the time and effort to build our own experiences.
No matter how great the idea, or how exciting the pursuit, unless we dedicate ourselves to see it through we will be blind as if there was no light to begin with.