
Daily Reflection: Thursday, December 6th, 2018

There is no science to what we do, because nothing is ever the same, what works for someone else will never work for us, there are simply too many variables. It’s not art either, art is too subjective and unreliable when it comes to scalability. So as long as we practice, gain experience and work on scaling our offerings, we will have an easier time working out what it is exactly we offer.

Daily Reflection: Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

It’s likely one of the hardest things we will need to adjust to, and it won’t be easy, but it will be helpful. There is good and bad criticism, some of it will help us keep going, some will help us improve and a small bit will try and discourage us, judge us and even attempt to stop us. Once we get used to criticism however, it will be an important tool that will help to ultimately guide us.

Daily Reflection: Sunday, December 2nd, 2018

It can be absolutely soul crushing. A string of failures, things not looking up and that feeling of being stuck in one spot with no power over our predicament. It can even feel natural to believe that we’re stuck for a reason, that we have no power to change our life. And yet, people do, we need to be strong, we need to keep swinging because that’s the only time the world will notice.