To me survival is all about getting through the day and doing everything I can to make tomorrow slightly better than today. The moment I can sit down, put my feet up in the evening and realize that every single thing I did that day was because I wanted to do it and not because I had to, will be a great day.
The thing about life is that the only option is to move forward, there is no other direction. Sure we can sit around and wait for things to happen, but we aren’t getting younger doing it. Today is the day we are at our youngest, and today is the day we should plant whatever it is we want to grow.
No matter how hopeless and stuck we may feel, we must keep moving forward. There is nothing worse than over thinking the little things and killing that delicate balance between getting things done and sitting around waiting for things to happen.
When we start off our lives we have so many possibilities, the dreams are endless and responsibilities few. As we get older we pick up items to add to our daily routines, and before we know it our daily grind is spoken for. Well fuck that — that’s no way to live, we must make time for ourselves, and respect our dreams.
I tend to look at focus as being that initial “gateway drug”, because the moment I focus on something and spend even 10 min on it, I automatically start obsessing. This can be a great thing if we don’t over do it, because we all know what happens when we drink too many shots of vodka!
We will know the moment, it will be hard to miss as it will hit us like a ton of bricks. The elders at a retirement home can attest to that specific feeling of dread. A feeling of knowing those missed chances, and opportunities that will never return. Our dreams are alive while we feel alive, so we better start realizing them now or forever be in a state of regret.
If a door slams in our face we try the door knob, if it’s locked we attempt to pick it, and if all else fails we kick it the fuck down and keep moving. Success is all about figuring out a way to get over the barriers in our lives, and so unless we get hit by a bus, we have no reason to stop trying.
That grand plan of ours always sounds fine and dandy when we talk about it, but the goal is to try and get as much of it done in the short term as possible. Long terms plans should be saved for investments, retirement plans and what not, we must get as much done as quickly as possible in the now.
It’s so comfortable and familiar, I just want to stay here forever. I’m afraid of the unknown, and the journey looks long and treacherous. But the moment I decide to take that first step and move towards my goals, I realize that what I have feared so much is a necessity for me to grow and evolve.
Now ain’t that something, we all wish we had it in us to act accordingly to our thoughts, and yet we tend to keep them to ourselves instead. One of the toughest things we can do is to pave the way, to lead with our actions and to take pride in those difficult decisions. If you can do it, you are a lot more stronger than you think.
I don’t remember a single thing that I eventually got good at that didn’t take at least 50 hours of practice. Be it sports, or design, or even something as basic as making a delicious home made meal.
It’s so damn easy to get caught up in the hype train. We all tend to try and promise so much and then we get stuck with a possibility of under delivering… who the fuck want’s that headache. As long as we stick with hoping for the best, and working hard to reach and deliver on those dreams, we should not only be happy with what we accomplished, but everyone else will appreciate your work more.
It’s quite amusing in a fantastic sort a way… You play a game against some random kid for the first time, and chances are you will absolutely obliterate them in competitive play — but give them a couple of days, and they will literally destroy you even if you had weeks of prior experience. We must all stay relentless and focus on our goals!
So many of my ideas came when I let my mind wonder aimlessly… when I daydreamed, or lacked focus. It’s incredible to think that our minds are never always conscious, or in control, and so we cannot force ourselves to constantly be on top of everything. Going with the flow and allowing for our minds to stumble around is the best way to find ourselves. As ironic as it may sound.
With every fail they get sharper, with every win we get a taste for greatness. The harder the decisions, the more important they will become, and we must always remember not to over think.