Admitting our mistakes while accepting criticism and filtering it into a learning experience can be a difficult skill to develop. But that’s because it goes against everything we may feel we need to do in order to succeed. In the end, it’s not how many times we’re right, but how many times we’re right when it counts, and being right when it counts is something we develop when we learn on our failures.
Innovation is the cleared path to success, we must be brave and risk failure to get where we need to be. Every success story starts with a familiar path that takes a turn and thins into something only the brave will dare clear.
Sure, one would argue that a person talented enough shouldn’t fail (get right hooked!), but the reality is no matter how good we may be, we will eventually go through a rough patch and be forced to deal with that reality. It’s better to be prepared, and have that resilience than feel like we are invulnerable and then face the full force of that situation.
We must never get too comfortable in our comfort zone, because that familiarity with what we think is the best for us will stop us from pursuing what we may truly want and desire. A life lived in that zone, is a life filled with regrets.
I can safely say that when I started any task for the first time I absolutely sucked at it, it took many trial and errors to get decent, and then a ton of perseverance to get really great. The goal is to last just long enough in order to get just good enough to really start innovating your craft, because at that stage, it gets really exciting!
Stay hungry they say, and for good reason. Our success can only come from our never ending pursuit of our passion, and if we hunger for more, we will pursue the steps needed to get there.
The moment we start on our journey is the moment we realize we want to jump right into what we truly believe in. Of course it’s a different story for everyone else as they don’t yet have your vision, so the goal is to sell, to promote and to show that you are truly invested in your end game.
In much the same way that as children we were absolutely terrified of the dark, our minds tend to play tricks on us when we tread towards the unknown. The best thing we can do however is face our fears and run right in, most of the time we realize very quickly that what we though was scary and impossible is actually quite the opposite.
For the majority of us who experience both an equal share of failure and success, we know that the two go together like PB & J! Failing at the things we do is a feedback-based learning mechanism, and success is the drive to take it further. If we can respect and appreciate both, we are already in great shape.
Every morning when we wake up, we are essentially someone new — maybe not our soul, but our potential. Whatever it may be, we should always strive to make every day count, because a good day is an important stepping stone for the future us.
The vision we have for our idea will never turn out exactly the same! There are just too many variables, too many decisions and far too many constantly changing concepts. The sooner we embrace the fact that we must go with the flow, the better prepared we will be for the future.
The one thing we can all be sure about is that reaching success is an all in sort of journey. If we don’t take the plunge, we are only really getting our toes wet, and while that may be something we do while we test the waters, we best give it our all, because that’s what the competition is doing.
The last thing we want to be is disappointed. So when we create, share, date, do things for others — we should never hype, and should always go into everything with no expectations. Instead, we should focus on the experience, and work on our experiences.
Just like the spokes in a ladder, success is a step by step climb to the top and not an overnight achievement. We must therefore appreciate the things we achieved, respect the people we met on our journey and be grateful for what we have in the moment.
In a world where experience, knowledge and respect is everything, we tend to forget just how damn lucky we are. Some poor soul is sitting there, clueless as to who they are, or what they want — sitting on an empire built by another without the slightest clue about any of the things we take for granted.