Unless we’re watching a Hollywood movie where the protagonist is a superhuman A.I. that appears to handle every task with ease, you’re not going to encounter someone who didn’t at one point suck at pretty much everything. Dedication is the key to learning and building the experience to do the things we strive to do well. Almost everyone who is considered “talented” is merely very experienced.
Many of us have them, less of us follow through on them, and a very small percentage of us arrive at their destination. And yet we press on, we put our selves in the most challenging of pursuits, and for what, the unknown? That drive is there, and it’s real. You are truly quite amazing for just being this way.
It’s very unlikely that a true success story just decided to search for their passion as if they were online shopping for a pair of shoes. Instead, we live our lives and focus on the little things — we pay attention, and we always retain our childhood wonder. Whenever something peaks our curiosity, we must let it grow inside us, we must build up the passion to create that end result.
It may be so obvious, but taking care of our basic needs is extremely important as we start off on our journeys. Those who give it their all, and yet disregard their health, finances and living space from the equation will find themselves in extremely difficult times. We must first assure we are capable of surviving the journey, before we embark on it.
It’s inevitable… we will always find someone that is better than us. Either more experienced, more skilled and or more talented, but we must remember that we are constantly improving ourselves, and while social media can be a minefield of fake talent we just need to remember to focus on ourselves.
Those who reach success are the tough ones, they took rejection and failure and turned it into a learning experience. Along the way I’m sure we all battle demons, we all make mistakes and we all have regrets. But just as long as we pick ourselves up and dust ourselves off, we don’t run the risk of never getting to where we want to get to.
We tend to day dream about our future success — about living the good life. We imagine ourselves doing well, and yet some of us aren’t willing to accept that it takes work, lots of fucking work. We forget that those who reached what we are reaching for gave it their very best, and made sacrifices that must not be ignored. Are you a dreamer or a doer? Or hopefully both.
It’s a bit baffling and at the same time amazing how the journey to success is similar to any other journey we take in life. A little step here, a quick car ride there, we realize quite easily if we’re going in the wrong direction and or when things aren’t working. As long as we pay attention, there really is no way we can get lost. And in the rare instances we do, finding our way back just feels awesome!
It’s absolutely normal for us to feel great in our comfort zones, we do most of our living from within them. And yet, if we wish to grow, to expand, to break down barriers and move forward — we will need to do all of that outside of what we deem comfortable.
We all have great ideas, but unless we can execute them in just the right way, they aren’t much more than just a thought and thus worthless if it stays locked up in our minds. Execution and dedication is the most important part in making an idea a reality.
What’s amazing about following our dreams is that sometimes we will get lost — we will take the wrong path — and will need to adjust our course. If reaching success was easy, it would also be boring, and we definitely wouldn’t appreciate all the hard work we put into it. So if you feel you’ve gone down the wrong path, just turn around… tomorrow is another day!
Every single actor, artist, doctor, [enter profession here] out there sucked when they first got into their craft. And yet the one common trait shared amongst all of the people that found success is that they kept going until they got good. Failing isn’t really failing when the whole thing is a learning process. Failing is only failing if during this process you give up and stop.
Imagine all the negativity and bullshit in this world is water… ships don’t sink because of “water” around them, they sink because water gets into them. Don’t ever take crap in this world, instead glide through it while keeping the wind in your sails pointing you in the right direction.
So many close minded people complain about the lack of opportunities, and yet ignore the ones right in front of them. We must always be open to ideas and new concepts, they are what makes the world move forward.
You are millions of years in the making, your plan was destined to play out just the way you imagined it. There is nothing in the observable universe more incredible than our minds, and what we can do with them once we focus on our objectives.