It’s important to believe that if we dream it, it can be done. Sure it’s not an overnight process and sure it takes a ton of work and dedication… but at the end of the day it’s the belief that we can do it that counts. Every day we chip away, we get a few little things done, and before we know it, our work becomes embedded in reality. When you look in the distance, it’s hard to see a single ant, but an ant mound is a whole different story.
Are you relentlessly pursuing what you want in the face of overwhelming odds? Or are you one to take a hit and give up? Adversity is there to define us, and yet it doesn’t until we define ourselves by deciding how we will react.
Every one of us is shit scared of our first presentation, speech, the first blog post, or that first date… We all go through it! But the more we experience the things that literally scare the crap out of us, the more we get comfortable doing them. Letting the fear of certain experiences rule our lives is not worth the things we are missing out on when we succumb to it.
For all of us oddball creators out there, those of us that go the extra mile — burning the midnight oil — we are out there innovating the things that not many others can or will. We may be a bit weird about the things we do, but we strive for excellence. Live life on your terms, and the world will recognize the wonderful result it will bring. RIP Anthony Bourdain.
Have you ever worked on something that you enjoyed so much that you didn’t realize that weeks have passed by the time you realized you were close to completion?
Those of us who are lucky enough to live our dreams can attest to how important it is to do what you love. It always amazes me that so many of us out there walk away from that, for just a bit more comfort, for just a few more bucks — and before we know it, we are living for the weekend.
When we get sick, our immune system doesn’t fail — it battles the invader and gets stronger. Life is all about learning from our experiences, but in order for us to do so, we must take risks and live through the failures. Being scared of losing is like locking ourselves in a bubble because we are too afraid to catch a bug.
Are you inspired by your idea? Are you willing to pursue and follow through until you achieve success? For the dedicated few that pull it off, it’s all about the love of the work and the guts to keep believing even though many may not. You’re a success waiting to happen, you WILL pull through.
No matter the obstacles we face, we must remain vigilant in overcoming them. Obstacles serve a purpose, they level us up, they get us ready for the next challenge, and most importantly, they prepare us for the complexity of success. Just like a Lion, once we reach success we must protect our empire, and if we’re not ready, we will lose to the competition.
The number of people that dream up something great but never get to realize that dream far out numbers those who take the initiative to give it their all and make their dreams real. It’s funny because our reality is filled with dreams that came to fruition, we live in them, drive them, walk through them and use them. So what’s your dream?
Someone is always out there telling us that the dreams we have are impossible, that we will fail, that the world doesn’t need what we have to offer. And yet, we keep going, we don’t let it bother us, and we sure as fuck aren’t interested in giving up. The wonderful thing about critics, is proving them wrong.
Let’s face it — for the sheer majority of us, life is set to the highest difficulty. We must work hard to built upwards, to meet and network with people and to achieve a level of success we have always dreamed of. There will of course be obstacles, tragedies and moments where we question ourselves and our choices, but the one thing we must remember is there is no promise land, it truly is the journey that counts, it’s about the little moments.
Big or small, goals move us forward. Each milestone bringing us closer to realizing our dream. Love it or hate it, when we create goals for ourselves they tend to drive us into the unknown, and because of this we realize that the unknown is just the known sitting in the dark and waiting to be discovered.
Sometimes it can be so easy to get caught up in our pursuit of success, that we don’t realize the many other important things in life. And yet, it’s the little things that matter, and those who are indeed capable of advancing the interests we so desire are just waiting to see what kind of people we truly are.
Criticism is terrifying, because no one wants to be judged, or have their ideas crapped on. We live in a world full of haters, trolls and critics who are only good at putting other people down because they cannot themselves do the things others can. The great thing is, we can say “fuck these people”, and once we have, we will truly be free to do what we need to succeed.