
Daily Reflection: Monday, June 11th, 2018

It’s important to believe that if we dream it, it can be done. Sure it’s not an overnight process and sure it takes a ton of work and dedication… but at the end of the day it’s the belief that we can do it that counts. Every day we chip away, we get a few little things done, and before we know it, our work becomes embedded in reality. When you look in the distance, it’s hard to see a single ant, but an ant mound is a whole different story.

Daily Reflection: Thursday, May 31st, 2018

Let’s face it — for the sheer majority of us, life is set to the highest difficulty. We must work hard to built upwards, to meet and network with people and to achieve a level of success we have always dreamed of. There will of course be obstacles, tragedies and moments where we question ourselves and our choices, but the one thing we must remember is there is no promise land, it truly is the journey that counts, it’s about the little moments.