4 Tips to Develop a Successful Blogger Mindset

As within, so without.

Ancient wisdom dictates we see success if we BE success.

Every practical writing and blogging tip in the world does you no good if you do not have eyes to see, seize and use these tips. Failure conscious bloggers blind themselves from doing and being what it takes to succeed.

Developing a successful blogger mindset inspires you to think, feel and act like a successful blogger. As an added bonus, even though the journey feels uncomfortable at times, blogging does get easier and easier as you proceed from a success conscious energy.

Follow a Daily Mindset Ritual

Consider meditating, doing deep yin yoga, breathing deeply or simply being present for a set period daily to follow a ritual.

Thinking and feeling like a successful blogger requires purging fear-filled, failure conscious, poverty-driven thoughts and feelings. Follow an energy management routine every day to become aware of these thoughts and feelings.

Spend 30 to 60 minutes focusing on mindset. Become aware of how you truly think and feel through your blogging day. Thinking, feeling and acting like a success requires mental due diligence. Dive into your routine on waking for the best results.

Surround Yourself with Successful Heart Centered Bloggers

Imagine yourself soaking up love, fun, peace and success from heart centered bloggers.

These pros demonstrate how to build a thriving blogging business on kindness, generosity, detachment and trust. Heart-centered pros teach you how to become successful from the inside-out, versus trying to make tons of money through manipulative, lower energy means.

Learn from generous bloggers to become a generous blogger yourself. Genuinely successful bloggers live their dreams by following the lead of compassionate, generous, heartfelt bloggers.

Trust in the Process

Every successful blogger I know patiently, persistently and peacefully trusted in the blogging process. I have spoken to 7 and 8 figure earners who patiently and generously published one to three posts daily for up to a year before money flowed in freely. One 7 figure earner noted he made about $600 after one year of posting 1-3 times daily. Did he panic? No. He trusted in the process.

Adopt the mindset of a posturing, successful, generous blogger; keep helping people daily and detach from outcomes to trust in the process. Good things take time. Nothing happens overnight. Get so busy helping people for free that you lay the foundation for something special.

Calmly Seize Opportunities for Greater Exposure

I read how icon Gary Vaynerchuk did 2000 YouTube videos before he appeared on world famous television shows. He noted how some interviews yielded zero views. Do you see why Gary Vee has influenced millions and why most online entrepreneurs struggle to grow their followings? Gary seized opportunities for greater exposure even if nobody appeared to be watching. His abundant mindset helped him become world famous.

Successful bloggers calmly and confidently seize as many opportunities for greater exposure as possible. Meanwhile, struggling bloggers stingily meter out help based on the size and scope of a fellow blogger’s community. If you are stingy with your talents you gain no exposure and go broke through your blog quickly.

I write 5-10 or more posts daily between guest posts and my blog. My exposure is slowly but steadily taking off because I think abundantly. I do not hustle or rush around desperately to chase down exposure. I simply generously help people, detach, and allow opportunities to flow to me.

Be Patient with Yourself

If you cling to deep fears about losing all of your money you won’t develop a millionaire mindset over night.

Be patient and gentle with yourself. Ride out embracing some painful emotions as you purge failure-fears and replace with abundant thoughts and feelings.

Blogging success flows from the inside out.

Begin thinking, feeling and acting like a successful blogger to see successful results.

Author Bio: Ryan Biddulph helps you become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

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Being patient is the key if you want to become successful in blogging. Very well written article.