All posts by Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph helps you become a successful blogger at Blogging From Paradise.

4 Common New Blogger Limiting Beliefs to Release

Being a new blogger is exciting, overwhelming and about 50 emotions in between.

I vividly recall buying my domain and hosting 10 years ago.

Day 1 seemed like the best day of my life. I had uncovered a seeming goldmine! Mansions were picked out. Did I want a red Ferrari or Porsche Carrera GT in the driveway? The possibilities were endless.

I almost quit blogging on Day 2.

How could everything change in 24 hours? I panicked. Who was I to blog? I had just been fired from my security guard job. I had no entrepreneurial bones in my body. I did not know what a blog was. I just bought something called a “domain and hosting” because some guy online told me to do it.

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4 Tips to Develop a Successful Blogger Mindset

As within, so without.

Ancient wisdom dictates we see success if we BE success.

Every practical writing and blogging tip in the world does you no good if you do not have eyes to see, seize and use these tips. Failure conscious bloggers blind themselves from doing and being what it takes to succeed.

Developing a successful blogger mindset inspires you to think, feel and act like a successful blogger. As an added bonus, even though the journey feels uncomfortable at times, blogging does get easier and easier as you proceed from a success conscious energy.

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