This Week in Blogging, Writing, and Content Creation: Sept 28 – Oct 4, 2019

Happy Friday (and National Taco Day) everyone!

Preface: Welcome to another weekly round-up post from our growing community of bloggers, writers, vloggers, podcasters, and other fellow creatives. To be straight to the point, each and every week we hand-pick five top posts from a pool of the highest voted user-submitted/created posts in the community and include them in this weekly round-up blog post, along with the newsletter for all of our e-mail subscribers. As per our submission rules, posts shared can not be re-posts, or older than 1 month (31 days), meaning that all of the following are fresh and recent! Tune in every week and you will gradually become a better and more insightful creative over time!

Landing on the prestigious top spot this week is Pete McPherson of Do You Even Blog? with his piece called “The Four Stages of Blogging” providing his personal input and speaking mostly from personal experience after interviewing countless bloggers and other creatives over the years.

Next up in silver territory is Matt Southern who reports that Facebook will soon be removing public post counts on Facebook, starting with Australia as the initial testing grounds, and expanding it if makes Facebook more enjoyable as a whole. It will be interesting to see how it all pans out, and how it changes the social media landscape as a whole.

Capturing the third and final place on the podium is Ayodeji Awosika who eloquently shares his insights on how to increase writing productivity and provides a useful six step process to help achieve maximum output in your writing.

Tom Kuegler is next with his Publishous Medium listicle that lists fifty bite-size lessons he learned in over four years of blogging.

Finally, wrapping up our list this week is Ellie Betts from Writers Cookbook who insists that age does not matter whether you are writing a book, short story, blog post or anything else, and provides us some real life examples backing up her views.

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