It’s not whether we win or lose the fight that matters, what matters is that we learn from the experience — because our lives aren’t made up of a single struggle. It’s a commitment, and it is life long. So when we play this game, we better be playing for the long term as that is where success lies, it’s an ongoing status and not a destination.
The seemingly impossible proposition of our existence blows my mind every time I think about it. We’re here, and we are living in what I can only imagine to be the best of times, so while we are at it — lets show the world what we are capable of. It would be a shame to let it all go to waste.
I see a lot of people these days just care about getting somewhere, anywhere, but never really enjoy the journey because the need for that instant gratification just overwhelms. We need to take it easy, enjoy the trip, pay attention to the things we learn and built up on our experiences.
If I was to wait until that one thing I was working on was perfect, I would never finish. I would miss out on so many other projects, and I wouldn’t get the experience needed to get better. Because perfect in the end is all about learning from experience so that the next generation of whatever we are working on is better than the first.
Sure, take a nap, avoid the risks, why feel crappy when you ultimately fail, there is no need for that nonsense. I kid, we may fail and it may suck, but nothing sucks more than never trying.
I have countless projects that I started and never really finished, sometimes I change my mind and decide they aren’t worth pursuing, or one of a million other reasons why I moved on to something else. But the difference between not finishing something I started, and never starting is huge. One will finally lead us to our passion, and the other will lead us nowhere.
It is scary, it does go against our primal instincts and there definitely will be fight or flight. Everything we do, the things we actually care about mean too much to give up due to the fear of criticism.
What a simple concept — do something you’re excited about, build experience, expand your passion and avoid quitting because of a setback. None of use are perfect, we will fail a couple of dozen times before we will even get good, so we must stick with it otherwise, there is no point to the climb.
There really is nothing like a good shitstorm to get the blood flowing and to earn some well needed experience when we truly have to put ourselves out there. Nothing leading to success is about staying in port.
If you’ve ever had a moment where you felt that someone was doing everything they can to discredit your approach, find faults in your reasoning and doubt the very idea you presented, then you will know that they don’t seek knowledge.
Sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves is something everyone of us has experienced, be it a bad breakup, getting laid off or just things not going the way we imagined in our lives. And no matter how bad we may feel, how unhappy, there is always that one action that will turn it all around.
Dreaming will only get us so far, but success can only truly be achieved if we get down and dirty and put in the work. The grind will be real, there will be days that will feel like weeks, and weeks that will go by like days. But at the end of it all, one thing will be clear… Without the work, our dreams will remain just dreams.
No matter how good at something we may be, or how exited we get at the prospect of a new potential opportunity, we must always remember that if we don’t have the passion for it, success will generally never follow.
It was funny, because I was passionate about many of the things I’m good at today before I was even good at them. I would go as far as to say that I sucked, and I sucked for a while, until I got better, and ultimately really great. It’s ok to suck, what’s not ok is to quit before you had a chance to get good