Sometimes we forget — but our deepest desires are locked behind our worst fears. The fear of that first date, that first dance, the first kiss, the first day of collage, or that first public speech. Life has a funny way of preparing us, and yet, sometimes we can choose to run. What will you do in the face of fear?
The concept of perfection is the exact opposite to evolution. As people, we evolve, we constantly change and react to the things changing around us. We don’t have the time to perfect ourselves or what we do. Instead we should stay current, improve ourselves, move with trends or even set them.
Perfection is not the human condition, and yet we still tend to fault people for not being the perfect versions of themselves. The moment we stop expecting perfection and embrace the faults in the people in our lives, we will not only be happier, but we will be more understanding of ourselves and everyone around us.
Success can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but generally most will imagine that once there is money, there is a sure sign of success. And while that may be the case, we need the drive, passion and dedication that will keep us motivated through the tougher times.
The one common theme in all success stories is compromise, we will never get to where we want to be without giving up something we hold dear to us. Be it time, relationships, friendships or even family. Reaching success is a tough road, and not everything will be compatible with the path we need to take.
Most of the time nothing works the first time, it’s a continued effort through the tough times and the moments we are tested. Being loyal, dedicated and hard at work makes all the difference.
It’s a funny thing competition… really the only barrier capable of intelligent thought standing in our away. The moment we stop asking permission, and start figuring out how to move past it is the moment everything will change.
I find it incredible that success is really only afforded by those who truly put effort into something they love. Nothing is ever innovated by the unpassionate, or created by the uninterested.
A Lion’s job is to find his pride, grow his pride and protect his pride. You’re not a lion however, so fuck your pride, and get to work on your dreams.
Carl Sagan once said, “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star-stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.” It is the fact that we exist under such special circumstances and rarely stop and think how awesome it is that we even exist that blows me away.
Just as long as we foolishly aim for perfection, and yet agree to settle on amazing. The pursuit is real, and yet even the titans among us haven’t succeeded at it.
I found out the hard way that life isn’t like education, life doesn’t always have signs and labels that guide you through. Instead, we must learn, gather experience and figure out how we can look for the things that will get us closer to success.
My biggest regret would be waking up one day and realizing that I spent my entire life doing what I didn’t enjoy only to realize that the material objects just don’t do it.
Whatever mistakes we made in the past are set in stone, we should think about them only to learn from them but should never dwell. The only thing that counts is in the present and in the future, and so the energy we have should be expended on that.
It’s shocking how many failures are due to the lack of patience. It happens all the time, we run out of steam and get frustrated and because of that our passion suffers and so does our drive. And yet, a lot of success stories are ones that stuck with it and kept going for just a little longer.