Next stop, the unknown. The most terrifying thing we get to face as we methodically and without waver inch ever closer to our goals is not knowing what to expect. The fear of the unknown, the fear of criticism and failure can be so strong, and yet, we move forward fully appreciating the very nature of this beast. And once unmasked — it loses its ability to scare us.
No more replays of the same day, no more regrets about being stuck. Those who get started, no matter the circumstances, begin a journey where every day is a learning experience and a chance to move forward.
It’s always been a big question of mine… If everyone was able to follow their passion and not worry about money, than how would the world look like today. Luckily as automation quickly approaches, there will be far less reasons stopping us from doing what we are passionate about. But if tomorrow was today, what would you turn your passion into?
All the great success stories we read about only happened because of determined individuals willing to give it their all to see their dreams become reality.
We all know that famous quote, “We are what we eat.”, well I think it’s safe to apply the same approach to our minds. Our minds become what we experience, and if are always in our comfort zone, we may never build up our tolerance for failure and that would be a shame. We should crave failure, not avoid it.
It’s always fascinating how such a naturally subjective scenario can bring us to realize how truly important our time can be, especially to those who give it their best to make the most of it.
Finding that perfect someone can take a while… aligning our interests, quirks and passions can be real tough, and many times if our expectations are too high we need to start considering lowering our expectations. Well, this is no different! We only get a pair of parents (if we’re lucky!), and chances are, they may not approve of our passion for the creative or otherwise. We must never let that dictate what we pursue in life.
We all feel vulnerable sometimes, and the natural thing we end up doing is comparing our lives to the lives of others. Sadly, the social media game is rigged, and by nature we compare reality to the bullshit that passes as “real life”. So lets not forget, social media only projects the very best of our lives, because nothing else is sharable.
Whether it be physical or emotional, the pain we feel while working to improve ourselves in our field is nothing compared to the pain we feel when we regret not giving it our best or not risking it. Most of the pain we live through is only temporary, it helps us learn and adapt, but the pain of regret is forever.
No matter how good or experienced we are, we are going to make mistakes along the road, some more serious than others and many resulting in failures. Luckily, with some perseverance and dedication we can overcome those failures and turn them into the load bearing walls of our success stories.
To quote Napoleon Hill… “Do not wait: the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command and better tools will be found as you go along.” Those of us who wait for the perfect time will simply be passed by time, because unlike the thing we are waiting for, time doesn’t wait for us.
Our lives are composed of many things. Some of us have a run of bad luck, or made some bad decisions, and many of us have regrets — but if we let those things control how we feel about the future, we will hold ourselves hostage in the past. It’s time to smash those mirrors, and move forward, because new experiences bring new opportunities for success.
It’s sort of depressing that some of the biggest obstacles we face on the road to success are set there by ourselves. Our lizard brain looks at our lives as if it’s a game of survival, and yet everything about growth and success is about overcoming the fear of the unknown… of the world.
Something as mundane as 30 minutes at the gym three days a week for some — is a colossal shift in health for another. We have been creating habits and building our routine for our whole life, and most of the time they are quite hard to change, but little changes at a time will bring incredible results in the long run.
If it’s one thing that we all know deep down is that we find out who are true friends are in bad times. Luckily for those of us who go through life following our hearts, we can bypass those who are there to serve themselves.