Introducing the BES blogging community (and widget!)

Welcome to the new home of Snapzu’s Blog Enhancement Suite blog!

Although we’ve been blogging for sometime now  —  albeit on a separate community located here  —  it makes a lot of sense to introduce a separate entity for the new Blog Enhancement Suite (BES), our new suite of tools specifically designed for bloggers by bloggers.

So, what exactly are we going to post here? Well, our ultimate goal for this blog/community is to provide a prominent go-to place for bloggers (and webmasters alike) to get the latest news, links, articles, opinions, advice, tutorials, strategies, and musings on all types of relevant topics such as blogging (duh!), writing, social media, networking, creativity, productivity, and any other common interests among bloggers. We plan on writing several original pieces each and every month.

That being said, we’re also in a unique situation to have the opportunity to show off one of the key blogger tools we provide — our community widget — right on our own blog! “So meta”, we know!

If you take a quick glance on the sidebar just to the right, you can see our community widget live in action. It transforms our otherwise ordinary WordPress blog into a more memorable social experience providing a generous assortment of additional user submitted/curated content to indulge in and far more functionality for our readers to interact with. It allows anyone to submit their own blogging related links, media, articles, and discussions, as long as they are a registered member. It uses community up/down voting to self-moderate, ensure quality of posts, and thwart spam or other unwanted content. And best of all, it only took five minutes to set up and embed right onto this blog, with an additional five minutes to seed it with some initial content.

And because we embedded it on our already existing sidebar, it gets the important visibility for it to grow and thrive on its own, while leaving our main blog exactly the same as before in all areas outside of the widget. We’ve essentially taken the best of Disqus (and took it to another level), along with the democratic curation approach of Reddit (except we have standards, and we’re friendly to bloggers), then sprinkled in a little bit of Twitter (we’re big fans of following/unfollowing), and topped it off with some beautiful modern visuals. If you run a blog — and you probably do hence why you are here! — we urge you to jump right in and give it a whirl. Try something different. It’s completely risk and cost free. OK, enough of that, this is starting to sound like a sales pitch!

To get updates on all future posts made on this blog, be sure to join our blogging newsletter, and/or follow us on Twitter. We also have an RSS feed (another nifty BES tool) that you can subscribe to if you are interested in receiving the BES community’s top voted posts (as shown on the widget and/or standalone “tribe”). And finally, don’t forget to share with and/or invite your blogger friends, especially since with the Snapzu community platform the phrase “the more the merrier” couldn’t be more true.

Pssst. Want to become a better blogger? Enter your email below and join our content creators newsletter to receive informative tutorials, progress reports, tips, opinions, discussions, and highest voted user-submitted links/media from the entire /t/BES community.

Enough of this one-sided consumption! Join our live community today!
Engage with other bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, and content creators such as yourself; share awesome content and links, engage in discussions, participate in voting, and more!

Enter the Content Creators Live Community

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